Synopsis: Claire suffers from chronic pain, a terrible accident, and a divorce. With the help of her dead friend, Kate, she makes the decision to live. It’s a comedy.
Preproduction Photo Shoot (photo by Savannah Holcomb)
We got to eat it at the end!
Claire and Jason – Happier Times!
The “hospital room” before the equipment got there.
In Jen’s apartment wondering how all this will work.
I think I have the next setup!
This is it!
Perry brings me invisible cake.
I may be going crazy…
Jen and her kitty Katya (caught ya?) who liked everything!
… everything.
The ride out to Barstow…
…not much farther…
…we didn’t stop to eat at Peggy Sue’s diner.
My intrepid assistant director, Jesse.
The train tracks! At last!
We found spikes!
Trains really run here…
…but not on this track. Jesse says hello from Barstow!
This is a good track.
Raffi and his camera…
See how the train leaned away from Raffi so it wouldn’t hit him?
Sun sets over the train tracks… Almost time to film…
Chris Clifford figures out “how we’ll do it.”
“Barstow, man.”
Chris imagines what it would be like to be an actor.
Spike’s Roughout Ranch with the man-made lake in the middle of the desert.
Tina D’Marco, Deborah Geffner, Perry Smith.
The gorgeous lanai at Spike’s Roughout Ranch.
Figuring out the shots…
Frankie in the shade…
…and ranch cats.
Rhett… PA or Pirate of the Caribbean?
Full moon over Barstow… Raffi got a great shot of it rising as the sky.
Raffi sets up his moon shot.
Beautiful Lysa – the best producer, just the best.
Doug’s amazing house – the most civilized place we filmed by far.
How do you film in a bathroom with mirrors on all sides?
And who’s that man in my bathroom?
Chris figured it out.
Anastasia Narinsky
What does six in the morning light look like?
Craft Services: location location location.
Coffee’s good. View’s breathtaking.
Rhett takes craft services seriously.
Frankie, Tina, Deborah giving directions to JK.
Pierre Dulat, one of the nicest people in the world.
My motley bus crew…
Ally Fainberg (aka Chain Girl).
…choosing costumes…
Coach America gave us a whole room to set up in…
Austin, Anastasia, Ally, and Lendon.
The Bus Crew.
Austin Michael and Tina D’Marco wait.
The Bus
We wrapped the windows in black fabric to make lighting magic.
Hail to the bus driver, bus driver, bus driver…
It’s okay, the bus wasn’t really moving.
On the bus with Tina D’Marco.
It got really late…
I liked the bus…
Coach America was amazing!
Great location, really nice people.
They let us film in their depot…
…at night…
…late at night!
Spike himself (!) of Spike’s Roughout Ranch.
It really is a ranch…
…with friendly horses…
…and sweet cats…
…and dogs.
You can sleep in the converted stables…
…with friends…
…or without!
Full moon over the corral as the heat starts to fade.
Or you can sleep outside.
And it really is desert…
…and hot…
…with this incredible man-made lake.
It’s a wrap! The director declares her brain a 24 hour no thinking zone!
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